The single axe with the shortest distance on either team will be awarded the match in favor of the team who threw it. WATL still recommends wearing a mask kakım a precautionary measure and will be monitoring CDC guidelines for future updates. Any throwers knowingly purchasing and throwing restricted axes will be subject to sanctions, including but not limited to: forfeiting tournaments, seasons and and additional suspensions from WATL based on the severity of the infraction Boards all must be individually secured and derece able to slide or lift off from the target during Competition. In Type X gypsum board, special glass fibers are intermixed with the gypsum to reinforce the core of the panels. These fibers have the effect of reducing the size of the cracks that form as the water is driven off, thereby extending the length of time the gypsum panels resist fire without failure.[27] Type C drywall[edit] We are passionate about seeing children released from poverty and we would lov...